Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This is how far I got untill now for my website, watcha think?:)

This is how it is going to look like when clicked on my website. I tried to do my website as simple as possible, hope i make it through the dreamweaver because it is doing my heading :) hehe I still have the gallery to create which is basically the most difficult part of the website creation enjoy.

The enter page

The homepage with a slideshow of images of me.

About me. Basically it brings up information about me and my contact information. there will be also a clickable link to email me straight away plus a download button for my cv. But for now we have other priorities than that :)

This is what I was working on today. This is my gallery opening page with the different sections that you can select to proceed to the following categories. The next bit is going to take me a while, because I missed out on a couple of stuff and I need to do my research for the next step. I will update soon about my website.Thank you.

Anything recommendations?Anything you don't like and needs mentioning? let me know.